10 most successful entrepreneurs advice

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice 

Being successful often means learning from those who have already achieved their goals. Having a mentor is an amazing blessing to an entrepreneur, but not everyone can find one in person.

Here are the 10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice.

Check out our YouTube Channel to watch them: https://youtu.be/52lfdOkqe_U

Jeff Bezos – Amazon

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice

“Do something you are very passionate about, and don’t try to chase what is kind of the hot passion of the day”

Unless your passion is a religious one, or you want to join some sort of commune, money is usually a necessity. And you may indeed, at first, have to make the acquisition of it a priority. Unfortunately, that’s where most people tend to stop, because of that scary message that they must actively protect any job they’re lucky enough to get.

Following that path does not lead to happiness. The higher paying accessible careers tend to be that way because not many people want to do them. You can certainly make a lot of money doing them, but it’s not likely you’ll wake up every day feeling enthusiastic about what you do.

One important thing to consider is that just because you have a job, doesn’t mean you have to stay in it. Job security for a job you don’t want to have doesn’t really make any sense if you think about it properly.

If you’re not currently doing what you want to be doing, you need to be planning how you’re going to change that situation.

Steve Jobs – Apple

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice Steve Jobs

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice

“People say you have to have a lot of passion for what you are doing, and it’s totally true and the reason is because is so hard that if you don’t any rational person would give up”

Here we are again with another great entrepreneur giving the advice of doing what you are passionate about.

Getting out of bed every morning to go and do something you don’t want to never get easier. In fact, the longer you do it, the more difficult it gets. The stress this produces can only have a negative effect on your life and can even shorten it, courtesy of all the cortisol accumulating in your system.

Sergey Brin – Google

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice Sergey Brin

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice

“Very rewarding when you work on something you think is going to make a big difference and it is a little bit harder but I think the passion that one might bring with it brings so much energy to that”

Passion generates good energy, and good energy attracts positive results. The secret is that doing work you love doing doesn’t feel like work at all. It truly gives you pleasure, and because of that, you can devote yourself to it without remorse.

Reid Hoffman – LinkedIn

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice Reid Hoffman

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice

“It is a classical entrepreneurial impulse to hold the idea close to you and not going to tell because all ideas are so special, that is almost always a mistake because your actual real competitive advantage is not that you have this idea that you have locked away in your closet, which may or may not be accurate and you have no idea which it is. Your actual competitive advantages if you are assembling the intelligence around: Does this idea work? What is the right team? What is the right learning?”

Ideas are not to be lock-out. Find the right team to make your idea work. You will be surprised how your team members will help you out and come with even better ideas.

Kevin Systrom – Instagram

10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Advice Kevin Systrom

“You do not have to be the best, but you have to be dangerous. You have to learn just enough to be dangerous to build an idea, concept it, and show it to the world. And then it turns out that they are lots of other people including all the 170 employees that work at Instagram who are much better at doing all that stuff than I am. But you need to find people who can be drawn to the idea that you build and then they end up taking it and making it happened.”

Trust is the most precious of all leadership attributes. Work hard every single day to strengthen trust on your team. The results will amaze you.

Brian Chesky - Airbnb

“The best methodology is to start with the perfect experience just one person, get it right, and then figure out how to scale something great.”

Is much better to start small and then scale up your idea. Starting big will complicate your systems and will not allow you to grow.

Peter Thiel – PayPal

“I think when you are starting a new business; you don’t want to go after giant markets. You want to go after small markets and you want to take over those markets.”

Supporting small markets is the best strategy if you are starting a business. Giant markets are already taken by giant companies, and it will be difficult to compete with them. There is a huge opportunity in covering those small markets.

Elon Musk – Tesla, SpaceX

“Seek criticism. A well-thought-out critique of whatever you are doing is as valuable as gold”

Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important decisions. Top performing companies are top-performing companies because they consistently search for ways to make their best even better.

Andrew Mason – Groupon

Andrew Mason

“The behaviors or principles that you religiously adhere to within your company; when I say religious, I mean that no amount of data will sway you in it from those principles and the degree to which you have the courage to maintain your conviction around those ideas is the degree to which you are going to be successful over the long term.”

This is why having your core values and mission statement clear is so important since these are the principles that will move you and your company. These core values are what support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what a company values. 

Marc Zuckerberg – Facebook

Marc Zuckerberg

“Things go wrong when you are starting a company and often I think people ask, you know what mistakes should you avoid making? And my answer to that question is that don’t even bother trying to avoid mistakes because you are going to make tons of mistakes. The important thing is actually learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make and not giving up.”

We need to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them. We must develop wisdom and sense to make good decisions and choices. Good judgment will only develop if you truly learn from your mistakes.

These were the 10 most successful entrepreneur’s advice. Remember to keep learning because when we succeed in learning something we feel better, more confident in ourselves and our ability to tackle all sorts of new tasks. Knowledge is power, one of the most crucial reasons to learn something new is that you gain power when you do and you improve your mental health.