7 Responses for Entrepreneurs

10 Tips for Entrepreneurs that cannot be missed

What tips for entrepreneurs should you follow to be successful?

Generally, one of the characteristic features of every entrepreneur is the spirit with which they start their project. Since they conceived the idea of entrepreneurship, there is already the motivation to contribute something valuable to the world.

In fact, on the path of entrepreneurship, there are many challenges. The better you are aware of them and prepared to overcome them, the more you will enjoy and learn from the process, until you achieve the desired results.

NUMBER 1 Organize your time efficiently.

10 tips for Entrepreneurs number 1 organize your time

First, organize your time efficiently. This is one of the main tips for entrepreneurs that you should continually monitor; especially if you are starting to undertake.
Actually, in terms of time management, there are advantages and disadvantages.

When undertaking, you are the owner of the time, and you decide how to use it. If you have a clear idea as to how to grow your project, it is a great advantage.
Definitely, there is no longer anyone who limits your decisions.

You decide when to carry out the projects. In general, you don’t have to stick to a work schedule . In fact, you decide how many hours per day to work, decide your own hours, and where to work from.

But owning your time can also be a disadvantage. If you are used to someone else deciding what to do day by day and you focus on following orders, managing time, it can represent a challenge.

Do you have any idea how to prioritize? What is there to delegate? What activities are not productive?
A good entrepreneur knows how to manage time. Keep tuned for Bravaura time management advice.

Entering the jungle

And how will you find these secrets?

You don’t know these secrets and no-one will tell you.

Overall, during Bravaura entrepreneurship programs we prepare you to enter the jungle.

In this case, if you have ever been in a jungle, you know there is not a path. Actually, everyone that enters the jungle will need to make their own path. We give you the knife to cut and build your path in the jungle.

However, during your adventure, you will find good and bad things. You can find gold or you can find snakes that want to bite you. All those things that you find during your journey are the ones that build your success path.

In short, don’t just start a business because is a trend to be an entrepreneur. Start a business because you have identified that secret that anyone knows about it.

NUMBER 2 Do you own a small market?



In spike of the famous idiom “You rather be a tail of a lion or a head of a rat”.

Definitely, in business, there is not a lion tail. Furthermore, the only way to succeed in business is to be the owner, the decision-maker, the big boss of a business, even though is small. For that niche, that you think is small and from a forgotten space.

Lululemon Example

For example, I love this story about Lululemon. Especially, back in the ‘80s, where Yoga was not really on- trend and no-one was really doing yoga. At this time, there was this couple that turns their attention to this very small niche that later grew huge. Importantly, they were the owners and they positioned their business in a very small niche. In addition, they lead to the growth of this niche. As a matter of fact, Lululemon is not cheap, and is also not as big as other brands such as Nike or Adidas; however, is the number one. Clearly, there will always be a market for number one.

So, how can you become the number one if you are just starting?

You can become the number one by finding a small niche that you can lead.

7 responses for entrepreneurs Lululemon story

NUMBER 3 Do you have a clear sales model?

7 responses for entrepreneurs how to sell a product

Undoubtedly, your sales model is the blood of your business.

Just as the graphic above.

On one hand, if you sell products from one to a hundred dollars, you will need to really good at online marketing and creating content for a massive audience.

On the other hand, if your product falls between 10, 000 dollars or millions of dollars, you will need to become an excellent salesperson with extraordinary negotiation skills.

Altogether, the sales model will need to be built based on the kind of business. Likewise, either you are really good at the massive marketing of a really good salesperson. Basically, if you fall in the middle you will find a dead zone.

NUMBER 4 Is this the correct time?

Definitely, businesses have a moment.

On the one hand, when you fall behind, it will be more difficult to sell because there is already a lot of competence. On the other hand, if you fall ahead, it will be difficult to sell because no one will understand.

For example, there was a digital marketing business that opened back in 2009. At that time, this business was talking about how millennials will use the internet for everything online; however, this was not a reality yet. As a matter of fact, it was very difficult to educate about the importance of digital marketing. In the end, the business closed in about a year.

After three years, the same owner decided to re-open the digital marketing agency. This time, the agency became extremely successful.

In contrast, if we open a digital marketing business now, it will be difficult to sell because there is a lot of competence.

To sum up, don’t look into opportunities where there are already leading companies with years of experience. Contrary, look at the exact timing of new opportunities.

7 responses for entrepreneurs

NUMBER 5 Do you have the correct team?

7 responses for entrepreneurs the correct team

Absolutely, this is the most challenging question. Above all, entrepreneurs will attempt to perform everything by themselves, trying to find 26 to 28 hours in a day.

Additionally, entrepreneurs fall in the error of lack of delegation. Unfortunately, this situation drives entrepreneurs into a situation where there is tiredness, lack of sleep, and anxiety.

As a rule, the day that you realized as an entrepreneur about the importance of a great team, your life will change.

Moreover, when you have a team that shares your core values, your dreams, and your objectives, you will start feeling relief and support.

NUMBER 6 Does your Business have a projection for the next 10 to 20 years?

If you stand aside from your business and you look far away from now to the next 10 to 20 years, how do you see your business?

Do you see your business with a lot of competence in a place where you need to fight every day, or you see your business leading the way?

Importantly, you will need a vision on where are you going, even though while you acquire more experience your vision of the future will change.

NUMBER 7 Would you die proud of yourself?

7 Responses for Entrepreneurs

If tomorrow you will die, would you be proud of yourself? Dedicating your life to what you declared your dream?

At the end of the day, the most valuable item you have is time. If you are dedicating the time to something with no value, then you will never have the energy to push for your dreams.

In summary, find a way to build your legacy.

7 responses for entrepreneurs Leave a Legacy.png
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